The Party

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The PARTY is an event-driven device that plays with relationships between art works and the art world, in questioning the gallery as place and material of the meeting with the public. This device attempts to release conditions of the relationship to art work by providing an experience based more on exchange and expression than on contemplative meditation. Recalling derision of Blake Edwards film, the gallery changes its face at each new event, offering then new understanding of this place institutional, either as place of celebration, or as place of the speech, either as space of mediatization, consumption or creation of the work of art. Between irony and poetry, each of the seven episodes of "The Party", invites the visitor to become user of the gallery and the viewer of the work to be an actor of the event.

2009 - 2010
Exhibition, Storyboarding and design, Municipal Gallery Espace Croix-Baragnon, Toulouse (31)


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Whether the subject of representations whose purpose is social, symbolic or religious (The Last Supper, still life, vanity) the table is present in many works of our cultural heritage. Table is in our civilization, base and expression of union and meeting. Such as a micro-architecture, this oversized table, was designed in the project "The Party", as a scenographic tool, pretext for artistic, theatrical or musical performances. The plate made with oak flooring in Hungarian point, participates in the same way, to question and enlarge possible uses. Depending on objects and people who invest it, function, use and meaning of the table, change and turn into banquet table, actor's scene, mixer table, game table…

Metal, oak, 166cm x 378cm

2009 - 2010
Table, element of set design, exhibition The Party, Espace Croix-Baragnon, Toulouse (31)